Importance of Cat Grooming for Your Cat

Importance of Cat Grooming for Your Cat

Our amazing feline friends are very clean by nature and they can spend hours grooming themselves daily. Despite the amount of time your cat spends daily to smooth down its coat, clean its paw pads, and wash its face, it still needs some cat grooming aid from you. 

Regularly grooming your cat is vital because of its well-being. It is the best way for you to observe any changes to its fur, skin, teeth, and nails that may indicate any health issues or the presence of parasites. 

Your cat’s grooming routine needs to be pleasant for both of you. Approach the whole process gently and slowly. Always stop if your cat appears uncomfortable, and just repeat the process later. The best way to start getting your cat accustomed to grooming is from when it is quite young. Offer rewards for good behavior until it becomes accustomed to your pampering. 

Benefits of brushing for Cat Grooming

Regular brushing, especially for longer-haired cats, helps remove dead hair and dirt from its coat. In turn, this ensures your cat’s fur doesn’t matt to the point where it becomes unmanageable. Brushing also helps prevent a buildup of hairballs in your cat’s digestive system. 

Hairballs are a result of your cat’s natural grooming habits. Their tongues are specially designed with tiny hook-like growths to remove the hair they are shedding. Normally, the hair passes through their digestive tract, but sometimes some hair stays behind in their stomachs. As the hair collects in the stomach, gradually a hairball is formed. This your cat will present to you by vomiting it out of its esophagus, leaving the cleaning up for you.

 Another benefit of brushing your cat regularly is a huge decrease in the number of hairs it sheds in your home. A final bonus – brushing allows you to have positive interactions with your cat, leading to better bonding between you. 

Brushing tips:

  • Brush your cat at least once a week if it is short-haired and more often for a long-haired breed. 
  • Get the right grooming tools for brushing your cat. Bristle brushes and grooming mitts are popular, but if in doubt ask a cat groomer or your veterinarian. 
  • Before using the brush, allow your cat to familiarize itself with it.  
  • Start by brushing gently, where she likes to be stroked. This is usually under the chin and along the back. 
  • As your cat grows accustomed to the brushing, it becomes more comfortable. Start introducing a gentle brushing of its abdomen, tail, and legs. 
  • If your cat may start to object when you introduce new areas, go back to brushing those areas it prefers.
  • Initially, your cat’s grooming sessions need to be short, work toward gradually increasing the time until it sits through a whole brushing session.  

Should you bathe your cat? 

Bathing is not typically necessary for your cat unless it has stubborn dirt that can’t easily be removed, your cat can’t groom itself, or has a skin condition that requires bathing. 

You can bathe your cat at home, but if you feel it will be difficult take it to a professional pet groomer. 

Home bathing tips:

  • Always use a mild shampoo for cats and warm water.
  • Only wash your cat’s body with shampoo.
  • Wipe its face with a damp washcloth. 
  • The whole process needs to be gentle and fast to reduce stress. 

Cat Shaving

Long-haired cats often suffer terribly during the hotter months. Shaving can help keep it cool and comfortable. Some people also shave their cats to keep their fur mat-free. Don’t undertake shaving on your own because you may accidentally nick your cat. A pet grooming salon or your veterinarian knows how to do it safely. 

Cats and Nail Trimming

You may notice that your cat’s nails are sometimes rough or prickly. The cause of this can be because it was caught on a mat or your furniture. Your cat should get used to having its nails trimmed regularly for its own comfort and to prevent it from scratching you when you play. But, before attempting to trim its nails, you must first get it used to having its paws touched. 

As always, start slowly by touching its paws. Do this by gently pressing on one of its paw pads when it is sitting calmly by you. You will notice that with a gentle push onto the paw pad, your cat’s nails extend. 

Once your cat gets used to this, you can attempt cutting its nails. Only trim the white tips of its nails. Avoid the quick, which is in the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves. If you do cut it, it causes discomfort and bleeding. 

Nail trimming tips: 

  • Place your cat on your lap, facing away from you. 
  • Hold your cat gently as you trim its nails. 
  • Press on each paw to extend its nails and gently trim the tips.
  • You can repeat this every two to three weeks. 
  • Your cat should get accustomed to nail trimming if you don’t take too long. It is a painless procedure. 
  • If you or your cat aren’t comfortable, a grooming professional is the best option. 

Paw Care 

 Clean paws are important for your cat’s overall health. Besides walking on them, your cat uses its paws for its grooming routine, and any dirt there will inevitably find its way into your cat’s mouth. Remove any thorns and wipe its paws with a damp cloth regularly. 

Importance of dental care as a part of Cat Grooming

Cats living in the wild have a different diet to your house cat. They keep their teeth clean by chewing on bones or grass. Remember, your cat can’t tell you if it is in pain, so preventative dental hygiene is the best way to ensure its ultimate health. Regularly check the state of your cat’s teeth and gums to ensure that there are no obvious issues.

Eight out of ten cats over the age of three have problems with their teeth and gums, caused by bacteria, plaque, and debris. Plaque forms on the outside of their teeth from the food they eat. With time, this coating of germs hardens to form tartar which starts to irritate their gums and leads to gingivitis. All this can eventually lead to tooth loss. If the tartar scale goes unnoticed, the condition is irreversible. 

Any inflammation in your cat’s mouth can make it difficult for it to eat or drink. In some cases, the bacteria can enter its bloodstream, damaging the kidneys or other vital organs.

Periodontal disease is the most common disease in cats, but it is preventable with good oral hygiene and an annual visit to the veterinarian. 

Check your cat’s mouth regularly for any signs of dental issues. Its teeth should be white, clean, and free of chips. Check for any foreign objects, like string, stuck between the teeth. Its gums and the rest of its mouth must have a healthy pink color with no signs of ulcers, bumps, redness, bleeding, or swelling.

Take note of your cat’s breath too. A bad odor usually indicates infection, either in the mouth or somewhere else in its body. A check-up is the best way to determine the cause. Other signs that could indicate dental disease include drooling, difficulty swallowing, changes in weight or eating patterns, and pawing at the face.

Keeping your cat’s teeth and gums healthy is not difficult with regular tooth brushing. This should be done at least twice a week, but you can also do it daily. It’s vital to get your cat used to this from when it’s a kitten, otherwise, it will resist. 

Teeth brushing tips: 

  • The sooner you start, the quicker your kitten will get used to having its teeth brushed. 
  • Use a piece of gauze covered in toothpaste specially made for cats. 
  • You can also use a rubber toothbrush or finger brush specially designed for cats. 
  • Never use your toothpaste on your cat because the fluoride is bad for them.
  • Never use dental floss on your cat because it may swallow it, causing intestinal damage. 
  • You can buy a complete dental care kit from a pet store, groomer, or veterinary clinic. 
  • Try covering your finger in some liquid from a can of tuna to make the experience more pleasant. 
  • Cradle your cat from behind and gently tilt its head back.
  • Lift its chin to open its mouth, making it easier for you to access its teeth.

Other cat grooming tips 

  • From the beginning, get your cat used to a daily paw massage. Do this by running your hand down each of its legs, and gently squeezing the center of the paws. This is the first step to getting your cat used to nail trims. 
  • It is easier to groom your cat on a countertop with it facing away from you. Otherwise, try sitting on the floor with your cat between your legs. Some cats feel most comfortable when you are sitting in a chair, holding them in your lap.
  • If your cat has severely matted hair, don’t cut it with a scissor. It’s best to let a pet groomer handle the situation.  
  • Your cat’s whiskers are critical to its safety. NEVER cut or trim them.  
  • Watch out for any signs indicating a health issue and call your veterinarian clinic. These include too much or too little grooming. Sometimes problems like obesity and arthritis make it difficult for your cat to reach certain areas of its body. If you notice your cat licking, biting, or scratching more than usual, it could have a skin or behavioral issue. 

Cat grooming plays a vital role in your cat’s well-being and is a great opportunity for you to bond. However, if you find it too traumatic to maintain your cat’s physical appearance, find a pet groomer near you:

Everything You Need to Know Before Deciding on Getting A Cat

Everything You Need to Know Before Deciding on Getting A Cat

Kittens are so cute, but so are older cats. Many people prefer cats to dogs, saying they are easier pets than dogs, but many people getting a cat for the first time don’t realize they are inquisitive and active. Cats require a lot of commitment and care. 

Here are some things you need to know before deciding on getting a cat. 

What to expect from a cat?

Kittens are very different from adult cats because they have unlimited energy and curiosity. This means they require far more time from you before they reach cat adulthood. 

Generally, cats love affection and playtime and are both important for socializing them properly as kittens. When young, cats need plenty of supervision to keep them out of trouble, so they are exhausting. 

Cats have an average lifespan of between 13 and 17 years, but many cats exceed this and live to over 20 years of age. 

The kitten stage passes very quickly, so enjoy it. This is the time to create that special bond that will last its entire life.

Choosing a kitten

  • A kitten should be at least 8 weeks old and should preferably still be with its mom when you get it. 
  • If you are adopting a cat or kitten from a shelter, find out as much as you can from the staff. If the kitten was hand-reared, it may have behavioral issues and lack confidence. 
  • Kittens born in a home environment rather than outdoors, adapt easier. 
  • Socialization from a young age is vital for a kitten’s development. 
  • Make sure the kitten and its mum are both healthy. 
  • If buying from a breeder, they must provide a health certificate, but adopting is always better
  • Learn about the different cat breeds.
  • If you have your heart set on a pedigree kitten, do some research and be aware of inherited problems. The kitten and its parents must be registered with the official body for their pedigree and be vaccinated. 

Things to consider before choosing your cat

Can you provide the right environment for a cat? Cats need to be in a safe environment, and preferably indoors. Cats will jump from balconies and can get injured, sometimes fatally, so you need to protect them. 

Does a cat fit into your lifestyle?  Cats are not as demanding as dogs and don’t need to exercise outdoors. However, they need attention and socializing. 

Can you meet the needs of a cat?

  • Care for its health
  • Provide companionship
  • Make sure it behaves
  • Lives in a good environment 
  • Feed it a healthy diet

Should you choose a kitten or an adult cat?  Kittens are both rewarding and demanding. Adult cats are more independent and mature. 

What about food? 

Kittens should remain with their mother until they are at least eight weeks old and fully weaned. This is the age they are also able to regulate their body temperature. 

In situations where you are caring for a kitten younger than eight weeks, you need to keep it warm and must bottle-feed with special kitten formula. Baby kittens need food every 2 hours. 

If you are taking home a weaned kitten, it is ready to eat solid food. Find out what the kitten was eating and if you decide to change its food, do it gradually. Slowly change from one brand to the other by gradually increasing the amount of the new feed into the old one. This is to prevent any digestive problems. 

Always make sure to feed your cat good quality food for each stage of its development. Kittens grow fast and need specially formulated food rich in calories and proteins. This assists their growth and is easier for your kitten to digest. Always feed the kitten at regular times and make sure to always leave a bowl of clean water next to its food. 

Feeding guide for cats:  

  • Until 6 months: A kitten needs to eat 3 to four times per day because of its rapid development. At this stage, the best is to leave a bowl of cat kibble and to let the kitten eat freely throughout the day. 
  • Between 6 and nine months: At this stage, your kitten is entering adolescence and its growth slows. It needs fewer calories and must eat twice a day. 
  • Between 9 and twelve months: By the time your cat reaches twelve months, it has reached adulthood. From nine months, start transitioning to adult food. From here on, you need to make sure it’s not overfed, otherwise, your cat may become overweight. 

Contrary to popular belief, cats must not drink milk or cream because they can’t digest these properly and they can cause diarrhea.  Other foods that can harm your cat include raw meat, avocados, grapes, and anything with yeast. Find out about other foods your cat shouldn’t eat.

Training a kitten

Training your kitten to use its litter box is the first training task to undertake. Kittens learn this by watching their mothers. When you bring a fully weaned kitten home, you will just have to show it where the litter box is and keep showing it, until it doesn’t require prompting anymore. 

Establishing and reinforcing boundaries is also part of its training, allowing your kitten to adapt to your household rules. Kittens are actually very smart, and with patience, can be trained to do many things. 

Always apply positive reinforcement for all training with treats and praise. Never speak harshly, hit, or shake a cat or kitten to punish it. If your cat behaves badly ignore it or redirect its attention elsewhere, and always praise good behavior. If everything else fails, confine your cat to its quiet area for a while. 

Socializing a kitten

Kittens usually have a curious nature and are quite fearless. However, they need socializing if they are to grow into well-balanced adult cats. Playing with a kitten and offering comfort is part of its socializing, but also take the time to introduce it to new smells, sounds, and other sensory requirements. 

Cats must learn to wear a collar, ride in a car, pet carrier, and be groomed from a young age. Sometimes all these new activities can cause your over stimulation or frighten your kitten, offer it lots of comfort and reassurance. 

Exercise and Play 

Besides socializing and training, cats need exercise. Playing is the best exercise because it helps keep your cat healthy allows you to bond. The more a kitten plays, the better it sleeps. Games cats like to play include chasing a light beam across the room and chasing a toy mouse on a string.

Cat’s and their sleeping habits

Kittens need between 16 and 20 hours of sleep daily. They need to feel safe, warm, and cozy. Make sure to provide yours with a comfortable bed to snuggle in. Kittens may wake up and meow during the night. Don’t be tempted to get up, otherwise, they will expect it. Ignore them, and they soon learn nighttime is sleep time. 

Your cat’s health

Whether you get a kitten or adult cat, you should take it for a health check to your veterinarian within the first few days. The vet will check for parasites, feline leukemia, and any other health issues, and administer any vaccinations your cat hasn’t had yet

This is the time to find out when booster shots are needed and to schedule them. Your vet will also advise you on a flea and parasite control regimen. 

Cats breed three times a year, and overpopulation is a serious problem leading to neglect and a growing number of cats end up in animal shelters. Discuss spaying or neutering your cat with your vet. The pros are that your cat will live a longer, healthier life. Also, female cats are prone to breast cancer and a uterus infection known as pyometra if not spayed. 

How to cat-proof your home?

Kittens are like babies, but even when fully grown, cats are very curious, loving to play and explore. When you decide to bring a cat home, you need to make sure your home is a safe environment for them. Remember that cats can climb everywhere so prepare your home accordingly. 

  • All dangerous objects like hair elastics, string, window blind cords, and power chords must be in drawers because they pose a choking and strangling hazard. 
  • Close vents, dangerous areas, and place screens on your windows. Cats face many dangers outdoors. 
  • Move sensitive electronic equipment out of reach. 
  • Some plants, like lilies, cyclamen, azaleas, etc., are toxic to cats. 
  • Store all household cleaners and chemicals in cupboards.
  • Get a comfortable bed and place it in a quiet, safe area.
  •  Some good toys will keep your cat entertained during its most active hours. 
  • Scratching is a natural behavior in cats, so provide a scratching post to prevent it from scratching your precious furniture. 
  • Have a litter tray ready for your cat’s arrival. 
  • Buy good quality food. 
  • Get bowls for food and water, and place them away from the litter box.
  • Cats cannot be transported easily in cars because they move all over. Buy a comfortable cat carrier to transport your new cat home, for traveling, and going to the veterinarian. 
  • Other things you can get for your new kitten are ID tags, a self-opening collar, cat brush, toothpaste, and toothbrush. 
  • Finally, make sure the family, especially the kids and other pets, are ready for the new arrival. Kittens are fragile and can feel overwhelmed. Explain the need to be gentle and establish rules for interaction and feeding times. 
  • Prepare an area where your new kitten will feel safe until it adjusts to the rest of the family. Only introduce your kitten to your other pets after it has been to the veterinarian for its shots and it has been given a clean bill of health. 

Cat Grooming

We all know that cats groom themselves, but they do need regular grooming too. Cats with longer fur need weekly brushing to prevent problems with hairballs. Cats must have regular nail clipping (about once every three weeks). Never have your cat declawed; this is a very painful procedure that amputates the end of its claws. 

Cats scratch their nails because they shed the outer nail, revealing the new nail underneath, and that’s why a tall scratching post is necessary. Sprinkling it with catnip a few times a month keeps your cat interested in it. 

Only clean your cat’s outer ears gently, and never clean the ear canal because it can lead to trauma. Tooth brushing is a difficult task with cats, but it’s important to prevent any mouth diseases and gingivitis. 

Your cat keeps itself clean, but you may need to bathe it once in a while. Use a hand-held shower spray, lukewarm water, and gentle cat shampoo. 

Pet groomers are well trained to undertake all your cats grooming tasks. If you need to find a groomer near you then look no further than:

What Cat Breed is Best for Me?

What Cat Breed is Best for Me?

North America is packed with pet lovers. However, before deciding on buying a pet, you need to make an informed decision about which pet best suits your lifestyle and family. Cats make wonderful pets, but many end up in animal shelters because their owners bought them on an impulse. Learn more about cats and the various breeds to help you decide what cat breed is best for me.

Do cats make good pets?

Feline lovers will tell you cats make the best pets, and we agree. Cats are cute, entertaining, affectionate, and wonderful companions. Most important, they are easy to house-train, don’t need to be taken for walks, and are quite low on maintenance. They are wonderful and adaptable indoor pets.

Popular Cat Breeds

According to the Cat Fancier’s Association, there are 45 distinct breeds of cats. Cats without a pedigree or lineage are called domestic cats and don’t fall into any of the distinct breeds. Other than purebred cats, some are crossbred with wild felines. These cats are called hybrids.

Some cat breeds are more popular than others because of their physical appearance and character traits. Some breeds are also popular because of their longer lifespans. Around the world, feline lovers are mostly attracted to these breeds:


  • Life expectancy: 12 years
  • Height and weight: Maximum height of 14 inches and weight is between 6 to 14 pounds.

This cat breed originates from Siam, the country now known as Thailand. Siamese cats usually have short hair, long slender bodies and legs, and a larger head. However, the Siamese can also have a chubbier body with an apple-like head.

Their distinctive features are the areas of coloration on their face, ears, feet, and tail. These are called “points.” Siamese cats have blue eyes and usually have chocolate, seal (dark brown), blue, or lilac coats. They are active, affectionate, intelligent, and vocal.


  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Height and weight: 11 to 13 inches in height and usually weigh between 10 and 20 pounds.

If you want a cat that will follow you around the house, then the Ragdoll is for you. Ragdolls have dog-like personalities. They also have docile temperaments and go limp when picked up, hence their name.

Looks-wise, Ragdolls resemble Siamese cats because they have similar color points. Their coat has medium-length hair in different colors and patterns. Ragdolls have distinctive blue eyes.


  • Life expectancy: 10 to 17 years
  • Height and Weight: Up to 18 inches and between 7 and 12 pounds.

For decades, Persians have been one of the most popular cat breeds. These beautiful creatures with their squashed-looking faces are affectionate, gentle, quiet, and calm. Persians are thought to originate from Persia (Iran) and evidence of their existence dates to at least one and a half thousand years B.C.

Persians have long fur coats in solid and bi-colors. They need regular grooming and occasional bathing. Being purebred, Persians are prone to some illnesses, including cardiac conditions.


  • Life expectancy: 10 and 16 years
  • Height and Weight: Maximum height of 16 inches and will weigh from 8 to 15 pounds.

These wild-looking cats may look like you took them out of the jungle, but are delightful pets. Bengals were originally bred with wildcat to give them their beautifully patterned coats. They get their name from the taxonomic name of the Asian Leopard.

They are a short-haired breed and Bengals can have many pattern variations including spots and rosettes. The patterns are in black, chocolate, and sometimes lighter colors like gray or silver. Their eyes are green or gold.

Maine Coon

  • Life expectancy: 9 to 15 years
  • Height and weight: Maximum 16 inches and between 9 and 17 pounds.

Maine Coons are known for their presence because they have a larger stature. They are the official cat of the state of Maine, where they hail from. Maine Coons were only recognized as a pure breed in the 1970s.

This popular breed is known for its great hunting skills but is actually a gentle giant. Their coat is double with long hair. Maine Coons have larger feet than most cat breeds, and many have extra toes. Their main color is tabby brown, but you can find them in 75 color combinations.


  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Height and weight: Maximum height of 10 inches and can weigh up to 12 pounds.

Originally from Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Abyssinians are elegant creatures. Even though they don’t prefer sitting on you, they are affectionate, curious, and playful. They love being around their “family” and are great explorers.

Abyssinians are short-haired with a red, orange, cinnamon, fawn, or blue agouti coat that has bands of darker or lighter coloring.


  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Height and weight: Up to 10 inches in height and 12 pounds in weight.

Birmans have color points like Siamese and Ragdoll cats, and Ragdolls were bred from them. Their marking and personalities are different from Ragdolls, even though they are similar in looks. They have deep blue eyes and a medium-long silky coat in a variety of colors, including tortoiseshell.

If you want a cat to love you exclusively, then a Birman is the best choice. These cats are social, fun, love attention, but prefer all this from just one person.


  • Life expectancy: Between 9 and 15 year
  • Height and weight: Up to 10 inches high and between 6 and 12 pounds heavy.

Sphynx is the ideal cat if you are looking for a breed that doesn’t shed. Don’t let their regal demeanor fool you; these gorgeous creatures are social, playful, active, and funny.

Even though they are hairless, they are available in a variety of colors, including black, red, lavender, calico, tortoiseshell, pointed, and tabby.

Oriental Shorthair

  • Life expectancy: 10 to 15 years
  • Height and weight: Up to 11 inches tall and can weigh up to 10 pounds.

Even though the Oriental Shorthair resembles a Siamese, it is a separate breed. Oriental Shorthairs have short smooth coats of hair in many colors and patterns. They mostly have green eyes, and you often see them wearing coats to protect them from the cold and sun. They are prone to skin cancers.

American Shorthair

  • Life expectancy: Up to 20 years
  • Height and weight: Maximum height of 10 inches and weigh a maximum of 15 pounds.

This all-American purebred cat has short ears and a round face. They have a gentle nature and are great companions. Above all, they also get along well with children and other pets. Their shorthaired coat comes in a wide variety of colors and color combinations.


  • Life expectancy: Approximately 15 years
  • Height and weight: Up to 12 inches tall and can weigh up to 12 pounds.

Himalayans are a cross between Persians and Siamese. They have dense undercoats and long overcoats with color points and patterns. These are usually grey-blue, lilac, cream, and chocolate in color.

They have sweet personalities, and people love them because they seek lots of attention and affection from their owners.

Devon Rex

  • Life expectancy: Up to 15 years
  • Height and weight: Maximum height is 12 inches and weighs up to 9 pounds.

These slender-bodied cats have enormous ears, and their hair is short, soft, and curly. Devon Rex cats are lively, cute, and very easy to train.

Mixed Breed

  • Life expectancy: 15 to 17 years
  • Weight and height: This varies because it depends on their breed mix.

If you are looking for a cat with unique features, intelligence, and friendly nature, then a mixed breed is perfect for you. These cats can be adopted from shelters or homes that are giving kittens away.  Even though mixed breeds don’t have a recognizable pedigree, they do have a rich and interesting history. Mixed breeds come in a variety of colors and sizes.

One thing is certain, domestic cats have been around for approximately 12, 000 years, They have served mankind well by protecting our stored grains, gardens, and homes from pests like mice and rats.

A few tips to choose what cat breed is best for me

A healthy and happy cat has few daily needs, no matter which breed you decide is best for you. Food and a place to eliminate are important, but cats also need social interaction, and space to exercise and play. Caring for a cat is relatively easy.

The ideal time to get a kitten is between 7 and nine weeks, but you can also adopt an older cat. If possible, meet the parents for any clues about its future behavioral and physical characteristics.

Be a responsible pet owner and have your cat neutered or spayed to prevent unwanted litters.

Cats are best kept indoors because they are very adventurous and to explore. This is the best way to protect them from getting injured or lost. Like this, you can increase your cat’s lifespan to double that of an outdoor cat exposed to predators, fights, and infections.

Always make sure to place a screen near open windows. High-rise syndrome is the name given to the severe injuries cats suffer when they jump from great heights. A cat can have serious injuries even from a second-floor jump.

These playful creatures love social interaction, so provide them with plenty of opportunities to do this indoors. Offer them toys, areas to climb, and a nice sunny spot to sleep in, and plenty of love and cuddles.

Social interaction is important, but remember, cats usually seek it on their own terms. Most people think cats are nocturnal, but they are crepuscular. That means they are most active at dawn and dusk with plenty of naps in between.

You must provide your cat with a litter box, and it must always be kept clean. If you have more than one cat, provide them with more than one litter box. It’s best to scatter these around your home.

Cats with long or thick coat hair require regular grooming to prevent matting and skin irritations, so give them a daily brushing. Breeds with short hair do groom themselves daily but need brushing at least once a week.

Grooming promotes a healthy, shiny coat, and helps prevent intestinal blockages from hairballs. Cats rarely need bathing, unless indicated by a veterinarian. All cats need to have their teeth brushed and nails trimmed routinely.

After you’ve decided what cat breed is best for me, grooming will play an essential part in its routine. If you need help selecting a groomer, read How do you find the right pet groomer. Maintain your cat’s physical appearance and ensure its best health by finding a groomer near you here at Pet Groomer Finder.



Foods that your Dogs and Cats Can’t Eat

Foods that your Dogs and Cats Can’t Eat

The delicious food on our plate may be healthy and nutritious for us, but we need to be extremely cautious when we want to share with our dog or cat. There are foods your dogs and cats can’t eat, because some foods can actually be lethal to our beloved pets. As a pet groomer, you may already know that, but a refresher doesn’t hurt! 

We are their guardians, and even though they often hover around the table as we eat, hoping for a nibble off our plate, or even a drink from our glass, let’s rather be cautious first. As responsible pet owners we need know to what they can and cannot eat. 

As PETA insists on informing pet owners, we each have a responsibility toward our pets. This includes that they get proper exercise, regular checkups, nutritious food and lots of love, but we also need to know which foods can potentially harm them. 

What foods CAN a dog eat? 

Dogs are mainly carnivores, but can eat some plants and grains. The best way to ensure that they have a completely balanced diet, something which is difficult to ensure with home-cooked food,  is to feed them high-quality, completely balanced commercial food according to the needs of their age. 

Veterinarians are the most qualified to give advice to those of us who are unsure which brand and type of food to choose, especially if there is an underlying medical condition or the dog is geriatric. Dogs can eat fish but only once in a while. 

What foods NOT to give a dog

This list is important because dog owners are often tempted to feed their dogs scraps:

  • Chocolate
  • Cooked bones (because they can splinter causing gastrointestinal damage) 
  • Onions, onion powder and garlic
  • Coffee or caffeine products
  • Spoiled or moldy food
  • Avocado
  • Bread dough and anything with yeast
  •  Grapes, raisins, sultanas and currants
  • All types of nuts
  • Fruit stones, pits and seeds
  • Corn cobs
  • Unripe tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Fatty trimmings or foods
  • Salt
  • Xylitol (found in sugar free foods and drinks)

For those dog owners that want to bring their dog up on a raw food diet, it is essential that they do their research and get advice from their veterinarian on the best foods to include. 

What foods CAN a cat eat?

As true carnivores, cats need proteins to survive. That is why when we do offer them vegetables they usually don’t take them. Like dogs, cats need completely balanced products, especially if they have any underlying conditions. Cats are also very susceptible to a deficiency of an important vitamin called Taurine, so we cannot give our cats food meant for dogs, because it does not have this important supplement.  Contrary to what many believe, cats should not eat fish constantly either. 

Cats can have raw meat and bones once or twice a week, but it must always be of the best quality and completely fresh so that it doesn’t contain any harmful preservatives. Sausage meat and deli meats are not suitable for cats because they contain sulfate preservatives. 

Cats can eat canned tuna once in a while only because it’s not a complete food. When giving our cats raw bones we have to be careful that they are big enough, so that it cannot fit the whole bone into its mouth, otherwise they might be swallowed whole. Large marrow bones, knuckle bones and sawn bones should not be given to cats because they may crack their teeth on them.

What foods NOT to give a cat

Cats are naturally curious animals and they love to explore every nook and cranny of our home. It is up to us to be careful with what we leave around our home. The ASPCA recommends that those who like to have cut flowers in vases should avoid lilies as they are toxic to cats. Medications, string, yarn and dental floss can also be dangerous if ingested. We should always be careful with the string wrappings around roasts and the absorbent pads found under raw meats in trays. 

Cats should never eat

  • Cooked bones or small pieces of raw bone
  • Onions, onion powder and garlic
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee and caffeine products
  • Spoiled or moldy foods
  • Bread dough and other yeast products
  • Avocado
  • Grapes, raisins, sultanas and currants
  • Nuts
  • Fruit stones and seeds
  • Corn cobs
  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Fatty trimmings and foods
  • Salt

Why these 7 foods should NEVER be given to dogs or cats

  • Alcohol

Giving a pet alcohol can cause intoxication, lack of coordination, poor breathing and abnormal acidity even in small amounts. In severe cases of alcohol intake a pet may fall into a coma or die because alcohol leads to a drop in blood sugar and body temperature; vomiting, seizures and respiratory failure.

  • Bread dough

Bread dough contains live yeast and when ingested it expands in the tummies of dogs and cats causing bloating and discomfort and presenting the danger of a ruptured stomach and intestines, which can be fatal. Another danger associated with yeast is that as it ferments and rises, it creates alcohol and this can lead to alcohol poisoning in pets.  

  • Chocolate

As tasty as chocolate is, it is definitely not good for our pets. Firstly, it contains Theobromine and caffeine which speed the heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. Your pet may have bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased urination, tremors, elevated heart rate and seizures which may even result in death. The outcome will depend on the amount of chocolate ingested for the size of the animal and all types of chocolate is dangerous, including cocoa powder. 

  • Grapes and raisins

It is still unclear what the toxic substance within grapes and its by-products is, but it is known that their consumption causes kidney failure. Other terrible side effects experienced by dogs and cats include vomiting and diarrhea. 

  • Macadamia Nuts

Keep anything, including biscuits with macadamia nuts away from your pets. These nuts can cause many neurological symptoms, including weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hypothermia. The signs may appear a few hours after ingestion and can last for up to 2 days. 

  • Onions and Garlic

Foods in the Allium family are damaging to the red blood cells of our pets and also cause gastrointestinal irritation. The symptoms associated with their ingestion are bloody urine, severe anemia and gastroenteritis. Even though all dog breeds and cats are sensitive to these foods, the Japanese breeds are more susceptible.  Toxicity can be diagnosed through history, clinical signs or a confirmation after microscopic sampling and the confirmation by the lab of Heinz bodies. 

  • Xylitol

In dogs, large amounts of Xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood-sugar levels because of insulin release and then lead to liver failure, both of which can even lead to death. Even in the small amounts found in all sugar-free products, baked goods, candy, gum and even toothpaste, Xylitol can be harmful.  The initial signs that your pet has ingested toxic levels include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination and often these can lead to seizures. The signs of liver failure or elevated enzymes can only be seen after a few days. 

Where and when to call for help in the event of food poisoning?

Even though our dogs and cats are less prone to food poisoning than us, due to evolution they can stomach raw meat and carrion, it doesn’t mean that they don’t get it. We only ever give them fresh food that is not spoiled!

It is absolutely necessary to seek a veterinarian’s attention if we notice any strange behavior and signs of weakness, lack of coordination, vomiting and diarrhea in our pets. We should never wait to see if the signs will pass, because if they don’t receive immediate medical attention they may not survive. 

If in an emergency a veterinarian cannot be reached, then the ASPCA should be called on their Animal Poison Control Center number: (888) 424-4435.

The ASPCA  has a dedicated animal poison control center  (APPC) and is the best place to get 24 hour , 365 days a year advice on any animal poison-related emergency. Their website has lots of practical information on other poisons that we should all be wary of, found in our homes and gardens. 


The veterinarian or animal poison hotline may try to induce vomiting in order for the pet to regurgitate the ingested food. There may be the possibility that vomiting may cause further damage and a binder may be given to neutralize the substance, Surgery may also be recommended if a bone or string is causing a blockage. 

The responsibility is on us to ensure that we take care not to leave any harmful foods where our pets can reach them. We should also not be tempted to give them food to eat that has not been specially formulated for their dietary needs as nature intended. 

Prevention is definitely better than cure and its best that we all take care of our precious pets.

What Dog Breed is Best for Me?

What Dog Breed is Best for Me?

You have taken a major decision that the time is right to become the owner of a dog. Your dog will be part of your life for years to come. Unless you have owned a dog before or grew up with a specific breed, you may be unsure which breed is best for you. Commitment like this requires some major research on your part.

Every dog breed has essential needs, but you also need to take your lifestyle and home into consideration before making a final decision. This guide is for those of you who have asked yourself the question: “What dog breed is best for me?”

Responsible dog ownership requires the consideration of several factors before making a choice. In this article, you can read how to choose a dog breed according to your lifestyle and according to the dog’s needs.

Breed matters when asking What Dog Breed is Best for Me

Since prehistoric times, people have been breeding dogs to help them perform various tasks. According to the American Kennel Club, there are 340 dog breeds worldwide, and the club recognizes 197 of these.

You can expect each breed to have certain traits, but like people, each dog has its own unique personality. The American Kennel Club divides the breeds according to their occupation, but also according to their activity level, size, coat type, barking level, trainability, and how often they shed.

Let’s break this down a little further:

Finding the best dog breed is easier when they are divided into groups that match human needs.

High Activity

The pastoral group of dogs falls into this high activity breeds category. These dogs were bred to help humans as herders of all our domestic animals, including reindeer. Characteristics of this breed include their passion for herding and loyalty. They are happiest when they are helping their human owners.

  • Border Collie
  • German Shepherd
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Samoyed

Bred for Specific Tasks

These dogs are also known as non-sporting breeds because they don’t fit into other groups. Their breeding was intended for them to carry out specific jobs, so they have varied origins, individual skills, and temperaments.

Originally bred for bull-baiting, this gentle and cuddly breed is now suitable for families.
these truffle hunters are now an adorable and pampered breed.
a sought-after breed, originally bred to keep the road clear for horse-drawn carriages and fire engines.
Chow Chow
these loyal and loving companions were bred to hunt, guard, and pull sleds.

Loads of personality in a small parcel

Small but tough, these breeds have loads of personality, are usually overexcited, and very playful. They are the ideal companions for people who want a lively and active dog. Above all, they are affectionate companions.

  • Chihuahua
  • Pug
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Maltese
  • Pekingese

Skilled hunters of the hound group

Within this group, you will find long-legged sleek-bodied hounds with wide vision and explosive speeds that can chase fast prey. There are also smaller hound dogs whose keen sense of smell never deceives them and reveals their quarry.

  • Greyhound
  • Dachshund
  • Beagle
  • Bloodhound
  • Basset

Trained to work

These dogs are strong, intelligent, and big-bodied. Bred to search, rescue, and guard, the group includes some of the most ancient breeds. Train them well, and you will have a loyal friend for life. Not always the best choice for families with young children.

  • Boxer
  • Rottweiler
  • Great Dane
  • St Bernard
  • Husky

Feisty terriers

This is a lively breed of dogs that were bred to go in search of vermin. The short-legged terriers went in after them underground, while the long-legged dug them out. These strong characters are affectionate, but also love to dig and chase. They mostly need plenty of space for their activities and their owners need to patiently put up with their spunky attitude.

  • Jack Russell
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Fox Terrier
  • Bull Terrier

Playing fetch

Bred to retrieve, these dogs are also excellent swimmers and love to play fetch, whether it’s with a ball or feathered game. Most of the breeds in this group can bear harsh outdoor conditions and have water-repellent coats. They love learning, are almost always eager to please, and are extremely loyal. If you don’t like to go for long walks and play endlessly, these dogs may be unsuitable because of their high-energy levels.

  • Labrador
  • Golden Retriever
  • German Shorthaired Pointer
  • Cocker Spaniel

A few tips to answer the question, What Dog Breed is Best for Me

Now you know a few things about the various dog breed groupings and some of their traits. If you are still asking yourself “what dog breed is best for me?” then the next step is to consider the following:

Purebred or mixed breed

You may have your heart set on a specific dog breed because you are acquainted with their temperament. If you have decided on a breed because of what you have heard, take some time to do some research on any issues like health problems, temperament, or grooming needs. Always buy purebred dogs from responsible dog breeders and avoid breeding mills.

Mixed breeds combine more than one dog species. This helps balance out their physical characteristics and personalities. Mixed breeds have a lower chance of developing genetic health problems. Give a mutt some care, love, and training, and you will be rewarded with a loyal pet for years to come.

Adopting a mixed breed puppy or older purebred dog from a shelter allows you to be the human owner of a unique dog. Besides saving a doggy life, you can get your dog for a fraction of the price.

Deciding on size

There are many considerations you need to take here. Giant breed, medium-sized or small dog? They all have their pros and cons.

Giant breeds are less active than smaller dogs but will need a bigger space to move around in. Space is vital for their size because they can hurt their tails or break household items when they whip their tails with joy. The bigger the breed, the more expensive their maintenance is. They eat huge amounts of dog food, and medical treatment is also more expensive. Training is essential with bigger breeds – you don’t want an oversized dog walking all over you when fully grown.

Small breeds are cute but feisty and can go everywhere with you if you desire. They are also vulnerable because of their size and are prone to serious injury if they are mishandled or accidentally stepped on. Small dogs are sensitive to cold weather and need to be kept warm, especially when going outdoors. Obedience training is vital for them, and you need to be prepared for the possibility that they may turn into “tough” characters because they need to compensate for their size.

Match your energy levels

The energy levels of dog breeds vary, but you need to take into consideration that all of them need exercise, regardless of size. Choose a breed depending on how many times a day you are prepared to take your dog for a walk. The minimum is twice daily unless you have a huge garden. Remember, dogs also need to socialize.

If you cannot commit to more than two slow-paced walks a day, then look for a breed like a Basset Hound that has lower energy levels. If you are looking for a dog with high-energy levels and agility as a partner to your activities, then consider a Golden Retriever or a Border Collie.

Dogs need attention and to get rid of excess energy, otherwise, you may be faced with behavior problems. These behaviors can cause your dog to destroy household items, dig up your garden, bark incessantly, or even bite. Persistent behavioral problems in dogs often lead their owners to give them up or have them euthanized. Make sure you choose a breed you can give your utmost attention to.

Age may be important

Puppies are gorgeous and difficult to resist. However, for the first few months, be prepared to give them lots of attention and training. With dedication and patience, you should get housebreaking right within the first six months. Be prepared for some accidents along the way and some chewed-up items. Keep in mind that as your puppy grows, its temperament may be different than what you expected – especially if it is a mixed breed.

Adult dogs may require a little bit of training in the beginning, but most are trained. They tend to be adaptable to new environments. The advantages of getting an adult dog are that their attitude, energy levels, and temperament are established.

Senior dogs are not a popular choice, but make wonderful companions if you want a dog with lower energy levels. By adopting a senior dog, you offer it your compassion and are saving it from being euthanized or living its last days in a shelter. Senior dogs have the added responsibility of requiring special attention and regular medical checkups.

Physical appearance

Some dogs are shedders; others dogs hardly have hair, and then, there are those with long-haired coats that can get matted and untidy. Basic grooming is vital for all dogs, no matter what hair length they have.

Major shedders are usually dogs with smooth, short-haired coats. There are special grooming tools that can help reduce shedding, but you will need to vacuum more regularly. Some dogs have hair that grows, and they require routine hair cutting.

Other grooming needs include regular washing and nail cutting. Dogs with long ears are prone to ear infections and their ears need to be cleaned frequently.

Breeds like Mastiffs, Great Danes, and Bloodhounds are prone to drooling. You may need to carry a cloth to wipe them clean if you don’t want to constantly be covered in drool.

As you can see, whatever breed you decide on, grooming will be an essential part of your best friend’s routine. Help him maintain his physical appearance by finding a dog groomer near you at

Wondering how you find the right groomer?